Design Thinking and Doing


The design process I resonate with the most.

It is a beautiful integration of all the key aspects of a great design flow: its iterative nature, its involvement of different processes, and its culmination towards a tangible outcome.

David Landis, Lithespeed

David Landis, Lithespeed


I design and build for humans.

Humans are strange and wonderful things that vary from one person to another. 

With different needs, motivators and behaviours - it's important to make design decisions based upon timely and observed user insights, research and data.

Alongside that, a solution has to be a balance between customer needs, technical viability and business objectives. Innovative solution are exciting and can be flashy, but without the capacity to continuously build, learn and grow on an idea, it fails to become sustainable or valuable to those who need it the most.

Humans are fickle things. We are all human after-all.


“Design thinking is the intersection of ‘what is desirable from a human point of view’ with ‘what is logically feasible and economically viable.”

— Tim Brown