About Aimi


A little bit about me

I’m naturally curious and playful with a soft spot for helping others. Computers were my biggest curiosities in high school but nursing was my practical solution.

Through the years, I have worked in high-stress situations and environments to best provide to the needs of my patients, my colleagues and the organisations I represented. Although the profession was rewarding on most days, my fascination for innovation and my need to creatively express remained palpable. I felt misaligned with myself and my overall impact. 

I got my hands dirty in my own start-up while working through my full-time nursing career. I learned many lessons throughout that journey. Two years down the road, from initial ideation to product manifestation, all culminated to a well-earned degree from “the school of hard knocks”.

My start-up journey and many other bumps along the way have led me here - my full dive into Human-Centred Design. 

My learning aspiration is to branch out to different fields of innovation and technology to broaden my understanding, find the gaps, and build a bridge.

My big hairy audacious goal is to make health accessible to all; no matter their location, economic status or obstacle. I want to be in a world where people can holistically care for themselves and each other, without having to fall upon misinformation or outdated systems. We need to come back to our fundamentals, reconnect with communities, and thrive from a place of wellness. This is my hope for the world.

A photo of Aimi helping out a colleague
me nursing black and white

Values in Design & Life


Empathise like a Nurse

Listen carefully and respectfully to what the person is telling you, so you may hear what isn’t being said. It is not for us to judge nor to rush, but to simply understand and empathise with another human being.

Think like a Designer

Be comfortable in the chaos and ambiguity of life. Openly look at what is around you with a critical eye and a curiosity for “the why”. There’s never just one way to solve a problem. Look for the beauty in unexpected places.

Wonder like a Child

A powerful tool to have; to see the world as if for the first time and see its endless possibility. To be courageous to explore the outrageous, so as to refine back to what is meaningful. And importantly, to inject a bit of play with what we do.

Live like a Human

No man is an island. I’ve learnt early on in my life that the greatest things are achieved through the magic of working with others, especially those different from you. Be kind to one another.

Life outside the office